Shas Hatanim Pombadita regular edition

You are about to enter a new and exciting chapter in your life, the chapter of marriage.

At the same time, you understand that you must properly prepare for the great responsibility of building a house in Israel.

For this purpose, there is no more appropriate edition than Shas Hatanim Pombadita.

This is a unique and elegant edition of the Babylonian Talmud, which includes the entire Shas in 20 convenient volumes.

The annotation is clear and concise next to the original page while maintaining the shape of the page, and allows for a thorough understanding of Gemara issues.

The size of the page is easy to read, and the letters are clear and enlightening.

The edition has received warm recommendations from Israel’s elders, and will help you understand and get to the bottom of the issues of the Gemara

The luxurious pombadita bridegroom suit is suitable for purchase for the groom at an engagement as the perfect and traditional gift.


The magnificent Babylonian Talmud Pombadita which makes the shape of the page accessible in eye-catching letters alongside a comprehensive and concise explanation.

The volumes of the Shas revealed by the Governor Rabbi Ronan Ganon, are being published for the upliftment of the soul of his dear father Avraham Ganon, who cherished Torah scholars everywhere.

The elegant Shas has received the recommendations and blessings of the greatest and righteous men of the generation, so that the Torah world can enjoy a beautiful Torah in a magnificent vessel.

Among the greats of the generation who gave their recommendations to the modern Shas, we can name the KK Hadmor of Biala, the first to Zion the Gaon Rabbi Yitzchak Yosef, the Rabbi of the Gaon Rabbi Baruch Mordechai Tziri, the Rabbi of the Gaon Rabbi Yitzhak Zilberstein, the Rabbi of the Gaon Rabbi Meir Mazuz, the Gaon Rabbi Shimon Adani ztzel and a host of other rabbis and yeshiva leaders.

For example, in his letter to the modern Shas, the Elder of the Rebbe K.K. the Rebbe of Biala writes that, “It is needless to mention the importance of the matter and the enormous benefit of this precious interpretation, and a great privilege has fallen to your lot to be one of the lucky ones for the benefit of thousands and thousands who seek to establish their place among Beit students The midrash”.

Also the first to Zion the Gaon, Rabbi Yitzchak Yosef, gave a special letter of congratulation to the Shas edition “Pombadita”, in his letter he states that, “And he commented on the treatise in language equal to every soul, and edited the commentary around the page

The Gemara so that the learners learn from the accepted form of the page. And everything is fully scored for the benefit of the homeowners and the boys who are making their way through school for the first time.”

Maran Hagarbam Tziri also points out in his enthusiastic letter that, “There is a great benefit to the students of the Shas in this edition, whose commentary on the Talmud is closely related to the words of our first and last sages, and to the accepted form of the page from the beginning of Dana. In addition to this, the explanation written in short and clear language is equal to every soul, as a work of thought”.

Why choose our Pombadita Shas?

The only one in the world with a commentary on the page itself

All interpretations are written in clear and simple Hebrew

Pointed, comprehensive and concise explanation

Recommended by the great rabbis in Israel

A fair price in exchange for a prestigious Shs

Fast delivery in all parts of the country

The chief rabbis give their consent

Shas Hatanim Pombadita regular edition
